Young Philosophers Training (YPT) sessions provide students aged 11-16 the opportunity to develop philosophical knowledge, understanding, and skills. Centred on the ‘Community of Enquiry’ method of engaging in philosophical discussion, in which participants exercise critical, creative, collaborative and caring thinking, we aim to improve the student’s own thinking and nurture positive character traits, as well as their grasp of key areas of philosophy, including moral philosophy, metaphysics, and epistemology, and inspirational thinkers.
There are six steps involved in a YPT philosophical enquiry session, consisting of:
1. Something to think about (stimulus): a short story, image, object, video, action etc.
2. Key Question: this is often introduced by the session leader (facilitator) but there are occasions when questions are devised by participants, and the focus question is decided upon democratically.
3. Thinking/Writing time:participants spend time thinking for themselves and formulating an answer to the question, along with a reason(s) to support their response. In short, devising an argument.
4. Small groups: in pairs or small groups, participants have the opportunity to share, discuss, test, and challenge their arguments (always in accordance with the inclusive, supportive, and encouraging spirit of YPT).
5. Whole group enquiry: sharing, testing, and challenge is opened up to the whole group. The facilitator regulates contributions, ensuring fairness, order and focus. Key points are noted and summarised with the group, when it is effective to do so.
6. Final reflections: bringing closure to the enquiry, and encouraging meta-cognition of reflecting upon their own thinking, participants are encouraged to feedback on if and how their views have changed, and consideration of notable arguments explored and discussed.
YPT is a community of thinkers, and our ethos is to work together and help one another to progress. Sessions are stimulating, interesting, fun, and challenging. In each session, we have warm-up activities to get the cogs turning, including ‘Would you rather?’, ‘Must-Have/Could-Have’, ‘Good idea/Bad idea’, logic problems, lateral thinking puzzles, and more.
Our style of Philosophical Enquiry will require you, as a student, to undertake a certain amount of mental discipline. To develop this, you must have a willingness to learn, to exercise self-control, and most importantly a desire to engage.
Check the Event Booking Page for current YPT bookings. Contact if you would like to explore the possibility of setting up a new YPT group, either in person or online.
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